CAAS staff were at hand at the exhibition to help visitors learn more about various aspects of aviation..

At the 2016 Singapore Airshow, CAAS put up a showcase on 20 and 21 February to drive greater awareness about Singapore aviation. Themed “Enabling Opportunities Through Aviation”, the key highlights of the showcase included:

  •  “Enabling Opportunities Through Aviation” Showcase, where visitors embarked on a fascinating journey with their boarding pass and found out more about the Singapore Air Hub, Aviation Safety, Air Traffic Management and Aviation Professionals. Everyone walked away with some nice memories of their journey as well as keepsakes from the event.
  • We are Aviators” Hour, where visitors joined in the fun with stage games that tested their aviation knowledge. Participants not only walked away with exclusive Airshow and CAAS memorabilia but also some useful fast facts about Singapore aviation.

Watch this event video to catch all the fun!

Last Updated on 06 July 2024