Enhancing our Airport’s Competitive Edge

An airport economic regulatory framework has been put in place by CAAS to ensure competitive pricing and high service standards at our airports. The three components in this framework are:

  1. Pricing Regulation: CAAS has implemented a pricing regulation framework to ensure that the aeronautical charges at Changi Airport* remain competitive. At the same time, our Changi Airport licensee is provided with incentives to operate efficiently and innovatively, while keeping the economic viability and sustainability of the licensee in mind.
     *As the nature of the Seletar Airport operations is fundamentally different from Changi Airport’s, there is no equivalent pricing regulation framework for Seletar Airport.

  2. Service Regulation: To ensure that high service standards continue to be maintained at Changi Airport and Seletar Airport, our licensee is required to comply with service standards set out by CAAS under the Code of Practice.

  3. Competition Regulation: The Airport Competition Code has also been implemented to ensure fair and efficient market conduct by the airport licensee when providing airport services and facilities. To find out more about the Airport Competition Code and its advisory guidelines, click here.